What Is the Politic?

What Is the Politic?

Founding Father are the original writers of the Constitution. In against the odds: self governance and the early American experience, there were two serious shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation. The first was the national government could not call on its own military to force compliance of its rulings and keep the domestic peace. Second, there was not a way for the national government to control the production of currency, since each state had the power to print money. This enabled the sates to print money at such a speed that inflation was rampant in some states. The components of Virginia Plan included a bicameral legislature with representation determined by the population of the state being represented. The Judicial branch of this plan would be appointed for life and would have power to veto state actions. This governmental plan gave the advantage to states that have larger populations. The lower house of the legislature would be elected by direct election by the people. The higher house of the legislature would be elected by the state legislatures. The plan also limited the power of elections directly by the people, granting more power to elites. The Legislative branch under the New Jersey Plan would be unicameral. The executive would be several people, who could be removed by the Legislative branch. The Judicial branch would not have any power over the states under this plan. Finally, the ratification of this plan would be by election of the state legislatures. Nation had been established by commonality in three areas: region, language, and race. In the U.S. Constitution this idea was put aside by three words: “We the People.” This idea was called popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty is the idea that people have the power to organize the government. The three pillars of building a nation: Popular sovereignty, Rule of Law, and Tolerance. There is a third foundational element the writers of the Constitution wanted to instill in American society....

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