What Is Tis

What Is Tis


You are cut out for the corporate world. You are not going to snap. God will close the doors that need to be closed and no person and open. God will open the doors that need to be opened no person can close them. He will guide you. Stop trying to do this on your own. Be prayerful and don’t let anyone or anything take you off your game. This is not the first time you have faced adversity. Show them that you are a manager par excellent and handling situations and roadblocks like they are trying to put in front of you are just temporary aggravations.

I like the fact that you did not respond immediately to the HR manager’s request for your application. Test the waters, weigh the pros and cons, of course pray and know that God really does have a plan for your life that no one can block.

Love my girl.

I am going to New Orleans on Monday, June 18 and checking out on Wednesday morning, June 20. I just need Mon and Tue nights, 555 Canal Street. Thanks.

Please send me Darryl’s info so I can take care of it tomorrow. Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jones, Jasmine [mailto:Jasmine.E.Jones@marriott.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 9:51 AM
To: cwjones@nextstep-associates.com

This place is driving me nuts…. I’m becoming increasingly stressed out!!!!!! So today Adam walks in says nothing about canceling yesterday….. not even an apology email…….. Nothing!!!! Just a whole bunch of stupid meaningless tasks to complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I ask him one final time…. Can we please sit down… and he says to me… that he doesn’t have time today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to snap….. please help me… how do I continue to pretend like nothing is wrong when it is……………. I am on the brink of losing my mind!!!!
Is CIS still looking for a special events coordinator….I’m serious mommy. I have given the corporate world a try… and I know I am not cut out...

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