where good idea come from

where good idea come from

In the Article and video Steven Johnson talks about seven different ways of innovations that appears over different cultures. That the world settings has best chances of happening when innovations are connected, not protected.
First Idea pattern: “The Adjacent Possible”
Is more of an innovation that goes off of other people’s ideas that where already invented, like a CD player or Walkman that’s where they got the IPod from? Don’t isolate your ideas connect them to as many people, places and other ideas as possible so they can be adjacent.
In the second idea pattern: “The Liquid Network”
This pattern is more about change of environment because if you’re always restricted to an office of a desk to try and come up with an idea it’s harder then taking a trip with your co-founders and just relaxing. The idea will come easier to you then working with your spreadsheet at a desk.
The third idea pattern: “The Slow Hunch”
The Slow Hunch this idea takes time to evolve and connect. Patience is always the key to success. Many slow hunch don’t really turn out because we forget them or something comes up. So just remember to always write your idea down and they will go from there.
Fourth pattern: “Serendipity”
This idea is a look everything up just to make sure it’s right. You might be in a meeting or something and things don’t just click but later on in the day or at night an idea comes to you. It can’t be planned or sync you just have to let this kind of idea come to you.
Fifth pattern: “Error”
Error makes the world go round, this is where the best ideas come from because if you mess up once or twice you can always go back and do something different and fix the innovation. Error is not always a bad thing sometimes it’s a very good thing when it comes to ideas, so you can fix the problem because everything isn’t perfect.
Sixth pattern: “Exaptation”
Exaptation is more of using all the innovations to diverse the purpose. Exaptation is about uses of already...

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