Who am I?

Who am I?

I scanned a few of the most recent answers. They were really depressing, mostly about wanting to share their life with someone, get married, have kids, a big house, a good job…the perfect life. The word-perfect came up numerous times. There are a lot of lonely people out there. A lot of people whose biggest hope is to not be alone ten years from now. And accumulate things.

My life, ten years from now will most likely be witnessing my friends graduating from college and The Hare from high school. Beyond that, I really have no idea. Each day still seems like such a gift.
It’s hard to think about my future without thinking about some of the past.

Ten years ago I was a struggling, single mom finishing college, living with my parents again. There was just enough money in the bank to pay for daycare and gas for my car. A few hundred dollars were waiting in an envelope for the deposit on my apartment. I lived mostly on an envelope system. I had several envelopes labeled with things like: groceries, car, rent and miscellaneous. Once the money was gone, I had to make due until the next paycheck. Living with my parents was temporary so that I could finally graduate. Retail work had been paying the bills for a while, but as soon as I had my degree in hand, I had a list of places to apply. My hope was to work for Citibank at their huge customer service center. I had worked for them before for several years and managed to do well enough in customer service to experience some hours in the training department. That was where I was headed again. A Monday thru Friday gig, 7:30am to 4pm. Not bad for a single parent. Especially since there was over-time available and tuition reimbursement if I wanted to get a Masters degree. It looked promising too, since I had kept in touch with a couple of my friends who were now in management there.

At that moment of my life, I know I was not thinking ten years ahead. It was enough to just be sure I could make it to the end of the...

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