Why Recyle?

Why Recyle?

Brian Sousa
Jeffrey August

Why Recycle?

Unfortunately not many people seem to appreciate the environment. Too many people chose hurt the environment; meanwhile there are numerous ways to help protect the environment. Too little attention has been focused on the fate of our natural resources, thus they are continuously diminished and destroyed. Although everyone has heard of recycling, not everyone follows this process. “Recycling is a series of activities that includes collecting recyclable materials that would otherwise be considered waste, sorting and processing recyclables into raw materials such as fibers, and manufacturing raw materials into new products” (Municipal). Recycling is a significant part of keeping ecosystems strong and saving our environment. Recycling saves energy, cuts down on pollution, keeps waste materials out of landfills, and helps to return nutrients to the soil (compost recycling). It is very upsetting to see that many people do not care whether or not the recyclable products they use end up in landfills. It is saddening to see that so many people at Boston College throw away recyclable products, especially since there is usually a recycling bin right next to the garbage bin. For example, one Wednesday I witnessed at least 15 students discard of recyclables in the wrong bin and I observed numerous recycling bins with trash inside of them and numerous garbage bins with recyclables in them. Students at Boston College need to recycle and stop throwing their recyclables in the trash bin.
Recycling is a process that involves collecting and processing recyclables, manufacturing recycled products, and purchasing recycled products. This creates a cycle that guarantees the success and value of recycling. Recycling involves many types of waste that many would not ordinarily recognize as recyclable. There are numerous other types of recyclable material besides bottles, cans, plastic containers, and paper....

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