why teach

why teach

Why Teach?

There’s many rewarding reasons to teach, and each teacher has very different reasons. But I have 4 that I feel are my best. First, I was inspired. Secondly, I would love being able to help students through their tough ages. Third, I would have summers off! Lastly, I thoroughly enjoy the subject I want to teach.
My 9th grade, or freshman, English teacher was my favorite teacher I’ve ever had. Not only did she teach me about books I grew to love like Romeo & Juliet, the Odyssey, and Of Mice and Men, but she was kind and caring. You always felt like you had someone to talk to.
Also, I love the age of 9th grade students and the time in their lives that they’re going through. They’ve just started to be comfortable with themselves, and find themselves. Freshman year was the year that my friends and I changed the most maturity wise. The teachers and adults I was surrounded by had a huge impact of how well, and how fast my friends and I matured. They taught us extremely valuable life lessons. I would thoroughly enjoy watching my students mature and grow over time.
As a teacher, you get to enjoy summers off. That may be an extrinsic reason, and not a very good one at that, but as a navy girlfriend, that summer off would mean so much more time that I get to spend with my significant other before he’s deployed again. Whereas in the other months, I would have to go to work even when he’s home. And besides that reason, who wouldn’t want summers off to spend with friends and family! I would also have the same schedule as the kids I plan to have some time in the future, which is huge for me.
Finally, I love the subject I’m planning to teach. I love decoding old world English, finding hidden meanings in books, understanding characters, or even just reading books. I want to share my love of English with students who are the future of our country. The future teachers of America. I want someone to be inspired by me the way I was by my teacher.
In conclusion, I...

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