Why I Am an American Patriot 123

Why I Am an American Patriot 123

I am an American patriot. What exactly is a patriot you ask? Well, according to the dictionary, it’s a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. To me, an American patriot is just someone who will come to the aid of his or her country whenever necessary; someone that will love and defend their country while trusting the beliefs of that country; someone a little like me with more experience as a human being.
An American patriot would do many different things to show their support for the United States of America. Some of these things include learning how to properly care for the American flag, donating supplies and money to the U.S military, and abiding by the laws that were established by our founding fathers and our presidents. An American patriot will defend America whenever it is needed. Since I am still young, I would probably donate supplies to the troops and learn how to show respect to the American flag.
I, an American patriot, am glad that all Americans have the freedom of choice and the freedom to voice their opinions to other people. I’m glad that all men are innocent until proven guilty. I’m glad that we aren’t under the rule of the English anymore. I, and probably many other Americans, believe that America is the best country in the world. We have all kinds of freedoms, like the freedom of choice, which other countries do not have. Our country is as full of opportunity as it was while our forefathers were fighting for our freedom from the colonial English people.
American patriots believe that the United States of America is amazing. They believe that it is the place that you could fulfill any dream, even those that seem impossible. American patriots believe in the systems that we use and the values that we hold. They believe that anything is possible in a country like this. This is why I am an American patriot. It is because I love America and everything it stands for: freedom and...

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