Why I Am an American Patriot

Why I Am an American Patriot

The definition of patriot in the dictionary, is “one who loves, supports, and defends one’s country”. However, in my opinion, a patriot is also someone who also practices the rights and freedoms given to all American citizens in the Bill of Rights.
The Bills Of Rights are the first ten amendments made to the U.S. constitution. For me it means that I have the freedom of speech to talk about anything I want. I use this right in a positive way and only to voice my own opinions. I have the ability to agree or disagree with another person and can do so freely. The First Amendment also allows individuals the right to assemble peaceably. Anyone can protest what they are against as long as violence is not involved.
Being an American gives me the opportunity to shape and decide who I am as an individual. I have the freedom to choose my own religion and education. When I am older I will have the freedom to vote for changes in my community and country.
To me, being an American gives a person the chance to help make a positive difference in somebody’s life. Some of those people are people who join the armed forces to protect our country to give American’s freedom, or people who participate on a mission trip to assist those people who are in need of help. Parents are an example of patriots because they are responsible for their own children. Educators give of their time to teach others. These are examples of people who are willing to sacrifice their time or even their lives to benefit others.
I think another important aspect of being an American Patriot is to realize what makes our country so great. The United States is a salad bowl of ingredients. We are made of different races, religions, occupations, income levels, and education. Our individual contributions make our country a super power. Learning to use all of our talents together makes us stronger. United we stand, divided we fall.
I hope that my actions so far, and the plans that I have laid out...

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