Wind Power for Electricity Generation

Wind Power for Electricity Generation

Wind power uses the wind to produce electricity. When the wind blows, it turns the blades of a windmill, which spins a turbine that is connected to a generator, which makes electricity. Solar energy uses sunlight to produce electricity. Solar energy can be used in other forms of energy such as heat and electricity; it can be converted and use to heat water and heat spaces. Biomass fermentation uses the heat from natural materials such as trees, seed, and garbage that cannot be recycled, to produce electricity. Local trash can be used to create electricity. When trash decomposes, it produces methane. Micro turbine then captures

Wind power is clean and renewable because the wind will continue blowing. However, there are some disadvantages of wind power. It can affect the population of wild bird and another thing is it could impact on the landscape. Solar energy is the most powerful source of electricity; however, it is too costly because solar power system makes different kinds of electricity, therefore, different wiring is needed. Biomass can pollute the air because it releases carbon dioxide.

Another renewable energy resources not presented in the video are hydropower and geothermal energy. Hydropower is the form of electricity using water. This occurs when the water flows spin the turbines inside the generator. The geothermal energy is produced when tapping into hot water reservoirs underground.

The common issues with managing nonrenewable energy resources such coal, oil and natural gas are first, when coal is burned, it releases carbon dioxide which is the main greenhouse gas that is linked to a global warming. It also produces emissions like sulfur, nitrogen oxide, and mercury that can pollute the air and water. Second, oil is processed in a refinery. It can also cause air pollution because many different pollutants can break free from refineries into the air. Lastly, natural gas also produces carbon dioxide. Many believe that excessive levels of...

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