Workplace Communication Comparison

Workplace Communication Comparison

University of Phoenix Material

Workplace Communication Comparison

Complete the following matrix. For each communication method, list its purpose in the workplace, whether it is a technical or expository form of written communication, and why you classified it as such.

|Written communication method |Purpose in the workplace|Technical or expository|Why the classification was chosen |
| | |writing | |
|E-mail |To inform employees or |Technical and |Technical is the writer is giving |
| |vendors of information |expository |information to the individuals receiving |
| |or request information | |the e-mail and Expository if the sender is|
| |from vendors or | |trying to persuade the recipient to make a|
| |employees | |particular decision. |
|Memo |To inform employees and |Technical and |Technical because of the information on |
| |vendors of any changes |expositiory |policy or dates but also expository |
| |in policy or any | |because of any explanations needed to |
| |meetings or important | |explain the changes and other information |
| |dates | | |
|Letter |Communicating with |Expository |Expository because the...

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