world war 1

world war 1

What caused World War I? There are multiple causes but what was the main cause? Many people like to believe the cause of World War I was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Although that did trigger the war, it did not start the uprising problems. War doesn’t just happen overnight. There were problems long before Franz Ferdinand died. Problems like militarism, alliances, nationalism, imperialism, were the main causes of the war and then the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

To begin with, Militarism led to problems because every country had confidence that its new technological weaponry and troop count. So they thought they had the best army around. The people felt that they were safer when they had the government around. This led to a severe lack of negotiations. And the only way to find out whose military is better is to fight.

Also, Another key factor that played a role in World War I was alliances. Alliances caused them to be more “cocky” towards each other because they knew if they went to war they had someone behind there back. This can be compared to as a domino effect. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914. On July 29, Russia ordered a partial mobilization only against Austria-Hungary in support of Serbia, which escalated into a general mobilization. The Germans threatened war on July 31 if the Russians did not demobilize. On August 1, Germany declared war on Russia, and two days later, on France. The German invasion of Belgium to attack France, which violated Belgium's official neutrality, prompted Britain to declare war on Germany. And that’s when World War I had begun.

Furthermore, Nationalism played a role in WW1 because it encouraged people to be loyal to their countries. It made the men of the country want to fight for their country. Also began to make people feel superior in some ways. It was like everyone wanted power. And we all know that everyone can’t be on top. Imperialism led to WW1 because there were fewer...

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