

The Industrial Revolution refers to the greatly increased output of machine-made goods that began in England during the 18th century. It later spread from Great Britain to Austria. In the early 1700s, large landowners dramatically improved farming methods, in the mid. 1700s machines wove textiles and other jobs for the people(which has been written in the textbook in titled “Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction”). Franz Ferdinand is part of the reason on why World War one, which he was assassinated in Austria by a farmer. Before he died he wanted two countries to fight which was Austria and Russia. The factory system changed the way people lived their lives and the way they worked, which then brought a variety of problems.
Nationalism served as a unifying force within a country, which it then caused intense competition between nations with each seeking to overpower the other. By the 20th century a fierce rivalry had developed among Europe’s great power and they were Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and France. Competition between the nations stemmed for several reasons, competition for material and markets was one example. Great Britain had long been Europe’s leader in industry, finance, and shipping, when 1850 hit, other nations began to challenge Britain’s power. Germany competed with Great Britain for industrial dominance. Austria was considered the most industrial country next to Germany.
The Austrian empire was ruled from Vienna by emperors of German descent. The empire contained a large number of ethnic minorities who were not content to be ruled by the Austrians, especially those in the Balkan areas, such as the Serbs. The arm’s race driven by imperial ambitions. Germany wanted to develop a world-wide colonial empire that would rival Britain. The German Empire began to build naval warships at a very rapid rate in an attempt to equal the Royal Navy.
Austria and Russia tried to dominate in...

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