WW2 Research paper

WW2 Research paper

During the years of World War 2 everything was different. The scale of the war had increased a lot since the last one especially due to the fact of the civilian casualties. Britain was one of the first especially to be affected. In 1939 it was attacked by Germany, this later to be known as the “Blitz”. Civilian casualties were something rare before but WW2 change the game of this. The majority of those during the war affected was children. As World War II carried on children became more and more affected by the war.
At the beginning of the war children were already affected from by the fact of homelessness as well as the missing guidance of their parents. A majority of adolescents were left homeless from air raids and bombings. Sometimes children would watch their parents disappear from their lives (5). Due to the high numbers in children that were alone countries such as Britain would have evacuations to take children away from cities and put them with other families. In London an operation called “Pied Piper evacuated 339,000 children while there were no bombings(5). Parents would inspect children and bring them into their homes as if they were slaves; a majority end up being just that. Children would be moved to the country sides where there is less of a chance of being bombed. Others would be moved to underground railroads for secure areas (5).
The war even though still in act was not going to change to adjust to people daily lives, the war was bloody and a lot was not the same afterwards. The fact of the matter is that during the war lives were changed and for the lives of adolescents it was changed to protect their lives. A lot of children’s lives were changed at before the war became as catastrophic as it did. Children would have drills during school in case of air raids. To protect them they would be given gas masks to be worn in case of gas attacks as well (1). Simple things that children were use to started to fade away such as birthday gifts or...

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