

William Toro
Period 2
Date: 9-7-08
British literature
Weekly summary # 3
Hurricane Security?
Back in 2005 one year into our presidents second term of office, devastation hit the mainland of the United States of America, and the devastation went by the name of Katrina. This Katrina was a hurricane that hit the mainland with speeds up to 125mph to 165mph in some areas. This natural disaster took the lives of thousands and the rest came back to their homes with nothing to come back to. Right now we are experiencing a similar time and the media is making sure that any and everyone knows about it. After Katrina the devastation was so monstrous that our nation’s morale was at one of its lowest. The lives of thousands were taken and the lives known to these people were gone. There are preparations being taken way In advance this time as they hope to limit the life’s that will be taken if not eliminate it at all. Such preparations being taken are that of evacuating people just to be on the safe side when in reality the hurricane may not even hit land. There is an up and a down to this process. The upside is that it is always better to be safe than sorry, inevitably this is saving lives in the case that the hurricane actually does hit land. The down side to this process is that millions of dollars are being thrown down the drain to evacuate peolp;e that may not have to be evacuated. This also could set a state of people into an act of emergency causing them to loot or do crazy things as they may think there lives are over. So as you can see the precautions that are being taken to elimiunate deaths is a good and a bad one as seen in this summary.

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