Yanomamo Culture

Yanomamo Culture

I have chosen the Yanomamo culture. They are known as the “Stone Age Tribe this tribe has been discovered since the eighteenth centry. They are an Indian tribe that lives thick in the rainforest in bordering area of Brazil and Venezuela for thousands of years. They have any social roles within the Yanomamo tribe is very different and yet similar to the roles of us in Americans today. The Yanomamo men and women perform very different and specific roles within their tribes. The women gather the fruit, nuts and honey. The woman travels miles at times to collect food, water and even firewood for the village. Along with these roles they still care for the children and husbands. The men are the hunters and help with the gardening.
They are the ones who climb the trees to get to the higher fruit for the women. They are also the makes of the tools used in the village used for the hunts. They also possess as advanced bow and arrow technology which they pass down from generation to generation. Pots are made of clay and mainly done by the women. They often trade produce and drugs to other villages their drug of trade is a hallucinogen called yopo. Yopo is a drug that is used to help them reach and see their spiritual beings that they believe in within the tribal community.
Yanomamo are foraging horticulturalist these jobs are combined to the roles for the men and women but benefit the whole village. They live in large circular huts called shabono. Marriages are typically within the community with cross –cousin relationships and marriages. Their society is much like our living the women for the caring of the children and husband. As well as normal chores that is part of her daily roles within the family or tribe. The men have the hunting and lead ship of the tribe much like us in the American culture. The man is supposed to be the breadwinner and the wife the homemaker. But as time has grown these roles have changed. Now at times the men are the...

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