

Legal or Illegal? Table Activity
Directions: Create a table containing the following column headings:
Next, you will type each scenario listed below in the first column of the table. Then you will decide whether each scenario is legal or illegal and place an “X” in the appropriate cell.

Claiming you are 18 year of age when registering on a Web site.
Downloading movies on your computer
Making a copy of software that your friend bought
Copying some text from the Internet for a class project giving credit to the author
Downloading your favorite song
Sending 50 text messages a day to a boy or girl your like at school
Copying another student’s poem from the Internet for your homework
Posing a Hate List online of students you don’t like at school
Joining a Social Networking Website using your friend’s name and personal information.
Posting your class project online on a Social Networking website
Trying to hack into your Teacher’s account
Attempting to access other students’ grades
Altering sentences on your friend’s project and posting it online as your own
Updating the classroom website
Posting an image online of a girl at school with some embarrassing comments
Posting your class dance video online
Posting your personal video online
Downloading a clip of a movie for a class project
Sharing your password with your friends
Sending an email message to 100 students out of anger
Posting information on your school’s website without permission
Attaching a picture of you at a party to a text message sent your friends
Taking pictures of students with your cell phone to share with other