

Life as a teenager
To be honest, life as a teenager for me is kind of dull. From Monday to Friday, for seven hours, I have school. I know school gives you an education so you get somewhere in life, but for me, seven hours is just that bit too long. Seriously, I reckon school should go from nine in the morning till about 2 in the afternoon. It would make everyone happy don’t you agree?
For me, I wish I was born in the 80’s. Where no one cared about how they acted, how they dressed, how they looked. Where music was actually good, where there weren’t so many judgemental people. Nowadays, everything’s different. People dress to impress either people they don’t like or people that they do but don’t care about them. These days, most people are judgemental; if you’re not like other people, you’re judged for being an outcast. If you’re black, white, Asian or any other nationality you will most likely be judge, just because you’re different. Is it a crime to be different? No. is it a crime to believe in what other people might not? No. So why judge people for being different? I’m sure you would be different to other people too. How would you feel if other people judged you?
Being a teenager in high school is hard. Teachers give you so much homework and expect it to all be done by one day. Seriously, we get homework from other classes too that are due on the same day, please cut us some slack if we don’t hand it in on time. It’s not our fault that teachers give us so much homework and most of the time, expect A+ work back.
Also, we have our parents on our case. Telling us what to do, how or what you could have done better. To be honest, school isn’t the easiest thing, and I’m sure you know that. We’re trying our hardest in every class, we really are. But I know, if we all just buckle down and do everything that is told to us, our parents and our teachers will be proud.
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