A Brief Look at the Causes and Effects of Cancer

A Brief Look at the Causes and Effects of Cancer

A Brief Look at the Causes and Effects of Cancer
It is one of the most dreaded and fatal diseases of the modern world. While there is extensive research on the illness, there is no known cure for all its forms. It can appear without warning and by the time it is diagnosed, it may already be too late. As long ago as 400 B.C., “Hippocrates is said to have named masses of cancerous cells karkinos — Greek for crab” (“Origin Of The Word ‘Cancer’”). There are entire scientific volumes and personal studies on cancer’s effects on the human body, and what causes it to sprout up within a person in the manner which it does. Both scientists and devotees of “old” medicine have so-called solutions and theories for how to rid a person of cancer before it becomes terminal. The overall results of this research show a trend between a person’s personal habits and cancer that is hardly surprising. As with many diseases and ailments that plague the modern body, cancer can simply be chocked up to the result of years of less-than-healthy behaviors. Consuming a diet of processed foods, increased exposure to radiation and toxins, and refraining from frequent medical examination are all means to an end -- diagnosis of cancers of the lungs, brain, skin and so on. While there is no guarantee that adhering to a set of “healthy” rules will protect someone from developing cancer, there is strong evidence to suggest that some cancers are a direct result of certain lifestyles.
Diets can be a tricky subject. Eat too much of a food, and it can degrade one’s health. Eat too little of certain foods, and the body begins to decrease in health and performance due to a lack of nutrients. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, “The amount of vegetables you need to eat depends on your age, sex, and level of physical activity (“Food Groups”). The average American adult needs two to three cups of vegetables a day to maintain a healthy diet. Despite this, many only receive a fraction...

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