A girl

A girl

Its all about a girl
1 Why do you think many people are in jobs that are not satisfying? Do organizations help people craft satisfying and motivating jobs, and if not, why not?
Because of economic pressure, instability in the business environment and increased competition to get the best jobs, many people are in jobs not satisfying. We need work to support family and better work for better life. The organizations want efficiency and productivity. The employers focus on good performance, it seems that in employers’ minds, employee well-being and security have taken a back seat to coping with workplace realities. It is hard to say that organizations help people craft satisfying and motivating jobs.
Think about how you might reorient yourself to your own job. Are the principles of job crafting described above relevant to your work? Why or why not?
As far as I know, there is no principle of job crafting at my work. Sometimes, the employers asked us to summarize what I was doing – report name, purpose of the report and how much time to prepare etc. And nothing was changed. The employers care about revenue and performance very much.
3 Some contend that job crafting sounds good in principle but is not necessarily available to everyone. What types of jobs are probably not amendable to job crafting activities?
It depends on which department. If someone is in charge of public safety and the job of every members is very important and critical, he should make the goal same as the organization’s no to have any damages. For example, a fire officer, police and soldier etc.
4 Are there any potential drawbacks to the job crafting approach? How can these concerns be minimized?
There would be a conflict if individuals’ goal is different from the organization’s goal, because the organization is not flexible enough to accept all individuals’ goal. Thus, the guideline is required and if the coach can be assigned to individuals for...

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