A note on the Chigoe Flea.

A note on the Chigoe Flea.

_______________________________Chigoe Note List___________________________________
How it infects: The chigoe digs a hole and inserts its head under the skin. Its respiratory organs and back legs stay outside the body so it can breathe while feeding.

Diseases that it causes:(Tungiasis and Gangerea)

Where it is found :tropical and sub-tropical climates (Central and South America)

How it reproduces: Breeding female chigoes burrow into exposed skin on the feet of mammals and remain there for two weeks while developing eggs, during which time they swell dramatically, sometimes causing intense irritation.

Number of Deaths per year (if applicable): None, The Flea itself does not cause the infection, it is the skin breach that causes blood born infections such as Tungiasis and Gangarea; Also, a breeding Female Flea, if not removed before the offspring are born and the mother dies, can cause reinfection by offspring and potentially cause Auto-Amputation of the infected limb or appendage.

Type of Treatment: There is no medicine based treatment for a Chigoe Flea, it is recommended that it is either cut out of the skin, frozen out or suffocated using petroleum jelly. If infection advances to Tungiasis Gangerea or reinfection from a female that has bred its offspring, then serious medical attention is required to remove or treat infected area. Amputation may be required.

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To Be Produced in After Effects: CS6, because why not?
_______________________________Chigoe Note List___________________________________
How it infects: The chigoe digs a hole and inserts its head under the skin. Its respiratory organs and back legs stay outside the body so it can breathe while feeding.

Diseases that it...

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