A Story

A Story

It was the first day of the New Year.
Ben was getting dressed in his room.
“I can’t find my socks,” said Ben.
“They must be there somewhere,” said Mum.
Ben rummaged through a heap of clothes.
He found shorts, a shirt, two jumpers, a vest and … THERE were his socks at the bottom.
“Time to tidy up, I think,” said Mum.
So Ben put his socks on, and folded his socks on, and folded his clothes in a drawer.
“Well done,” said his mum.
Ben searched for his shoes.
He found the left shoe by the bookcase, but the right shoe was missing.
“I can’t find my shoe,” said Ben.
“It must be there somewhere,” said Dad.
It wasn’t on the shoe rack, or behind the door.
So Ben looked under the bed.
He found a balloon, some crisps, five marbles and … his playful puppy, Boris.
And … THERE was his shoe at the back.
“Time to tidy up, I think,” said Dad.
So Ben tied his shoelaces, and cleared everything off the floor.
“Well done,” said Dad.
After that Ben went to find his dumper truck.
It had great big wheels and back tipped up.
But when Ben opened the toy cupboard – everything fell out.
“You’ll never find your truck in that mess,” said Mum.
“It must be there somewhere,” said Dad.
So Ben picked up his puzzles, sorted the games, and put his toys back in the cupboard.
Last of all…..THERE was his favourite truck.
“You’ve made a good start to the year,” said Mum and Dad.
Ben looked around his clean and tidy room.
“Yes,” said Ben, “I HAVE!”

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