U.S. Revolution Basics

U.S. Revolution Basics

        The Revolutionary Movement, in a broad sense, was about the rights the colonist. The colonist had many taxes and acts forced upon them. The they didn't believe that Parliament had the right to tax them as much as they did. Through Mercantilism colonial grievances, Britain and the colonies political relationship began to become corrupt. Many colonist didn't like the right of a king who was so far away to rule America. The colonist had to face what some speculated as radical overturning of government and society while others believe it was something far more "conservative" in its defense of traditional rights. All of this made a drastic change as the colonies' had a growing sense of national identity apart from Britain.

        In a broad sense, the Revolutionary movement was about the differing opinions of the not just between the colonist and Britain, but between the colonist themselves. Between the colonist and Britain, the colonist believed that they were being unfairly taxed by Parliament through many taxes such as the Stamp Tax Act and many more. This led to some strong feelings against each force that eventually exploded into our revolution. As well as having great differences with the British, the colonist also had a inner fight within themselves. The loyalist were people who lived in the colonies but were still loyal to Britain. Their were many arguments between the revolutionist and the loyalist during this period which made people think of their rights and why they lived in America.

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