About Aboriginal People

About Aboriginal People

History essay
The Australian aboriginal people had been bullied and oppressed since the European’s settlement. Their lives changed completely in the 18th and 19th century. The European brought diseases to them. They had never been respected by the white people before 1970s. They were not allowed to take care of their own children. They have received so much unfair treatment. It was essential that the Australian Government apologise to the indigenous people of Australia.
Firstly, the settlement of the Europeans caused many aboriginal people to have seriously diseases and then died. The Australian Island is an Island that not connected with other continents. People lived in Australia just like was separate to the rest of the world. Also, their immunity has no resistance to the diseases that come from other continents. The Europeans took diseases like smallpox and this disease spread among the aboriginal people. It had caused a huge decrease in the aboriginal people’s population. Unfortunately, the aboriginal people not only got serious disease from European people but also unrespect and racial discrimination.
Secondly, they were not respected by the white people. In Second World War, some aboriginal male joined in the war and make contribution on it. They were a few aboriginal people that could receive a citizen identity. However, it was a ‘dog licence’: they were not allowed to have rights and welfare. They should work very hard but only can get little pay and someone even thought that they are just like ‘chimpanzees’. Besides this racial discrimination they have born. They even were not allowed to take care of their own children.
Thirdly, the government not allowed aboriginal people to care for their children. Many aboriginal children were taken away from their parents from 1940 to 1970. Because the government thought that aboriginal people could not take good care of their children. The stolen generation were sent to white people’s family and were forced...

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