accel all times

accel all times

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Sample Journal Entries and Grading

The journal entries provide the opportunity for you to think about the material as you read it and apply it to your own personal life. For most answers, a well-developed paragraph is expected. While your journal entries are not graded on grammar and paragraph development, your grade is based on your responses and how much you have thought about the question.
The journal entries are worth 20 points per chapter. Here are some sample good and poor journal entries.
The Question:
What steps can you take to make sure you stay in college to complete your educational goals?
Good Answers:
These answers show that students have read the material and thought about how it could be applied to their lives.
Sample 1
I can keep focused by meeting frequently with a counselor to discuss my progress. I can go for a walk when I am stressed out because of too much homework. I can see all the progress I have made by looking at my transcripts. I can keep myself motivated by speaking to those who have battled the same obstacles that I have. But most of all I can understand that all this effort will pay off when different doors are opened and opportunity arises.
Sample 2
The steps I can take to make sure that I stay in college to complete my education goals would be to break the tasks into small parts and not overwhelm myself with college as a whole. If I go class by class and really think about what I have to do, it does\'t seem so hard. And if...

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