Advantages and Disadvantages of Retaining One's Culture in a New Country

Advantages and Disadvantages of Retaining One's Culture in a New Country


Retaining one’s culture in a new country has its advantages and disadvantages. The two advantages are chances of developing new successful business ideas and passing down cultural identity to their children while the disadvantages are restricted business development opportunities and forced identity on migrant children that they cannot identify with. Full integration into the host culture is then recommended as it will be easy to do things in an acceptable way to that of mainstream society.

(Approx. 76 words)

Plan (Point by Point Method)

Title: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Retaining One’s Culture in a New Country

Context: Migration

Subject: Retaining one’s culture and customs in a new country.

Limited Subject: Arguments for and against

Issue: Should one retain one’s culture and customs in a new country

Thesis: There are arguments for and against retaining one’s culture in a new country.


Side 1: Advantages Side2:Disadvantages

Point 1

Introduction of new successful Restricted development
Business ideas opportunities

Point 2

Ability to pass down cultural Children being forced to
traditions and customs to an identity they can not
their children identify with.


Restate Thesis – Arguments for and against retaining one’s culture in a new country

Implication – The disadvantages are restricted development opportunities and children being forced into an identity they don’t understand

Reccomendation – Assimilation into the host culture

Final Thought – When in Rome do as the Romans do.

Migration is an inevitable phenomenon in today’s globalized world. Immigrants are faced with a social dilemma of retaining their culture or merely assimilating themselves into the culture of their host country. Therefore it is vital...

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