Affordable Care Act

Affordable Care Act

In 2014, due to the Affordable Care Act, Nevada started a state-run exchange called Nevada Health Link. Nevada Health Link is a program that determines if Nevada residents are eligible for any insurance at a discounted price, based on their income. If it is determined the person does not qualify, Nevada Health Link would determine if you were eligible for Nevada Medicaid, since they fully participate in the Medicaid Expansion. If there was no option for either, and the person does not qualify for either, then it was up to them to pay for insurance privately or through their employer. If the Resident did not have medical coverage for the year then they would end up getting fined when they file their taxes. Nevada has since decided to become federally supported and no longer state-run. They decided to stay a state-based exchange, but supported federally. This continues through today.
I believe the steps Nevada has taken in regards to the ACA have impacted our state greatly. Yes, the taxpayers are stuck paying a little more to support the ACA, but now the cost of insurance is a little less for the other people who were unable to afford it before. Seniors are able to afford their prescription drugs and their copays and deductibles are also more affordable. Healthcare is very important for people to access, and the ACA has now made it easier for everyone. The requirements have loosened for Medicaid as well and now more people are eligible for it at little or no cost to them. Personally, the ACA has helped me as well. My employer pays most of my insurance premium for coverage of me and my family. I pay less than $50 per month for full coverage Medical, Dental, and Vision benefits. I know that if it has helped me, then it has definitely helped other residents as well.
Nevada has gained broad market recognition

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