

Religion, Magic, Science
In today’s society people view the world in a magical way, religious way, or scientific way. There are many traumas and unknown events that happen throughout our lives that we cannot explain the reason or how it happened. That is where the Religious view, scientific view, and Magic view come into role.
One way to view life is through magic. Magic is any art that invokes supernatural powers. People put all there beliefs in supernatural powers throughout there life. In an African Tribe there is a witchdoctor who uses magic everyday in the course of the tribe. Often in the tribe when there is much controversial and a death that may have been caused by a witch throughout the tribe, the witchdoctor plays an important role to help the tribe and cease all matter of doubt.
To summon the spirits that have deceased from among that tribe, he uses magic to have the spirits take over his body and to help preserve and bring back order among the people. How he does this is by sitting on a chair and chanting while others are singing and dancing among him, and when he feels it is time to start, he throws an egg twenty yards across the yard onto the hard surface. If the egg breaks than the spirits aren’t ready to help and take over his body for the tribe. But if the egg stays intact then the spirits are willing to take over his body and help the tribe. What makes these events so magical you could say, is two things. The first one being that the witchdoctor can have a spirit that has passed on before and possess his body. The second event that is magical is a normal egg being thrown twenty yards and landing on a hard surface without breaking.
The one view that stands out mostly in my life would be religious view. Religious view knowing that there is a super being among us that controls the outcome and events in our lives. Prayer would be an example of how we use the religious view and how to ask for help, guidance, or anything that we...