

AP Human Geography Unit I Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives Multiple Choice Questions

1. Geographers often use this type of investigative method to examine issues.
A) Inquiry.
B) Scientific.
C) Polemical.
D) Deductive.
E) A and B only.

2. Geographers consistently ask
A) when and where questions.
B) when and why questions.
C) why of where questions.
D) how and what questions.
E) when, who, and what questions.

3. Which of the following is a geographic question?
A) Why does the absence of the rank-size rule impact consumers?
B) Where did Brian Berry base his studies of Central Place Theory?
C) Why does urban sprawl create transportation problems?
D) What geographical benefits are there to “the eat” local movement?
E) All of the above.

4. Which of the following is not one of Pattison’s Four Traditions in Geography?
A) Human Ecology.
B) Regional Geography.
C) Physical Geography.
D) Cultural Geography.
E) Human Geography.

5. Where something is located in relationship to something else is referred to as
A) site characteristics.
B) situational characteristics.
C) absolute location.
D) friction of distance.
E) distance decay.

6. Site characteristics include
A) relationship to the market.
B) relative distance from another location.
C) the unique physical and human characteristics of a location.
D) the cultural characteristics of a region.
E) the governmental structure of a state.

7. The German geographer who developed Central Place Theory was
A) von Thunen.
B) Christaller.
C) Sauer.
D) Weber.
E) Von Humbolt.

8. The notable geographer(s) who developed the multiple nuclei model of urban development was
A) Burgess.
B) Boserup.
C) Hoyt.
D) Harris and Ullman.
E) Ford.

9. The concept that new technologies shrink functional space between places is called
A) time-space convergence.
B) distance decay.
C) friction of distance.
D) spatial interaction....