

  • Submitted By: natapech
  • Date Submitted: 06/08/2013 3:47 PM
  • Category: Business
  • Words: 1242
  • Page: 5
  • Views: 1


Unit 1Mini Project

The ASDA Way of Working


ASDA, is an American owned, British supermarket chain which retails food, clothing, general merchandise, toys and financial services.1 In the middle of 1990s ASDA was on a downward spiral and close to bankruptcy due to several risky moves that top management embarked on. One of them was the purchase of rival Gateway Superstores, which overstretched the company trying to sell too many different products. Second rushed decision was to move ASDA stores from their traditional blue-collar neighborhoods into wealthier residential areas. Archie Norman, who became a chairman of the company, breathed life into the supermarket chain by imitating Walmart.


In current ever changing business world, it is crucial to stay on top of game by constantly re-evaluating your strategies and adapting new products and ideas to stay competitive. At the same time it is imperative not to lose your forte if it has been successfully working for your business up to this point.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze what actions can Archie Norman and his top management team take to build employee motivation to involve change; what faces of change ASDA need to engage and what types of changes he needs to undertake at ASDA. While the upper management plays an integral role in the definition of organization culture, employees also take part in it. Organizational culture is thus the link that connects the components of an organization and helps it achieve its goals and objectives.

ASDA, one of the largest grocery retail stores well known for its low price products and catering to the blue collar client base was in very deep water by the time Archie Norman joined the executive team.

Archie Norman transformed not only the operational aspect of ASDA, but he also took steps to change the core organization behavior. Any...

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