

Home Remedies to Remove Blackheads and Whiteheads
Blackheads and whiteheads on our skin is a common problem not only among teenagers, but also among those in their twenties, thirties and even forties, specially those with  oily skin.
What causes blackheads and whiteheads?
The sebaceous glands, our skin’s self-moisturizing mechanism, secrete oils called sebum, which are stored in the follicle. When the follicle is full, the oil is spilled off to the skin to keep the skin healthy and moisturized. But sometimes, the oil is trapped inside the hair follicle instead of flowing onto the skin. When this happens, bacteria develop in the follicle which causes pimples.  Sometimes, though, instead of being infected, the follicle just gets all clogged up and forms comedones – those we call blackheads and whiteheads.
 What is the difference between a blackhead and a whitehead?
A blackhead is a comedone formed when the opening of the follicle becomes wider than normal. Because the follicle opening is wider, the sebum and the trapped dead skin cells there react chemically with the air, resulting in the oxidation of melanin,  which makes it black in color. A whitehead is a comedone formed from a hair follicle that is not open to the air. It is also clogged with sebum and trapped dead skin cells, but the lack of exposure to the air does not lead to the oxidation of melanin, so the clogged matter stays white.
How do we get rid of blackheads and whiteheads?
Maintaining a clear and beautiful skin, takes time, consistency and effort.  Dermatologist may recommend lots of products, but some of them can be expensive and may actually take a long time to work. You can, however, incorporate some home remedies for blackheads and whiteheads into your daily beauty regimen and in a few weeks, you will experience a drastic reduction or even total elimination of the problem.
Toothpaste – Toothpaste is an effective blackhead and whitehead remover. Apply a thin paste to your infected areas...