August Sky

August Sky

Memories of the August sky bleeding red:
A drum cries out in the distance,
But no one but me is around to hear the sound.

All the others stand, waiting, quietly, in single-file,
Unsure of their purpose
As the generals CALL OUT their orders.
But the apathetic cannot fake their intentions.
They’d rather die with their dignity still in tact.

So the rat race continues…

The children of your children’s children pass away
And I grow to watch this happen.

But who is in their right mind?
Who will account for the brave, soiled six feet under?

Once again,
We plead insanity.
Memories of the August sky bleeding red:
A drum cries out in the distance,
But no one but me is around to hear the sound.

All the others stand, waiting, quietly, in single-file,
Unsure of their purpose
As the generals CALL OUT their orders.
But the apathetic cannot fake their intentions.
They’d rather die with their dignity still in tact.

So the rat race continues…

The children of your children’s children pass away
And I grow to watch this happen.

But who is in their right mind?
Who will account for the brave, soiled six feet under?

Once again,
We plead insanity.
Memories of the August sky bleeding red:
A drum cries out in the distance,
But no one but me is around to hear the sound.

All the others stand, waiting, quietly, in single-file,
Unsure of their purpose
As the generals CALL OUT their orders.
But the apathetic cannot fake their intentions.
They’d rather die with their dignity still in tact.

So the rat race continues…

The children of your children’s children pass away
And I grow to watch this happen.

But who is in their right mind?
Who will account for the brave, soiled six feet under?

Once again,
We plead insanity.
Memories of the August sky bleeding red:
A drum cries out in the distance,
But no one but me is around...

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