best day of my life

best day of my life

Where is my very emotional moment in my life? I plunged into my memories and spent many hours to determine those one day. And I came to the conclusion that the best day of my life was my birthday. Because from that moment, I started my life’s path. Life is given to a human for living it wisely. As the author says, “Life is meaningless and we decide how to fill its meaning.” This is the most precious gift that is given to people life. You can possibly live a calm and quiet life with no risk and leave no trace of yourself in history. But you can bravely go for your dream and achieve all you want. After all, every human is given great potential. You only need to keep trying to develop it.
This moment cannot be repeated, but you can give life to your children that will adequately continue your path. You need to focus on the future, be active and do something and your aims will be closer and your children will say that their father did not live in vain.
It is difficult to say what feelings and thoughts I had that moment. Nobody remembers their birth. But only one thing is for sure the love of my parents and grandparents became everything to me. It granted my happiness and joy and protected me from troubles. I want my future children to live happy lives without troubles and have meaningful lifes. To make this true, I need to send them on the right path. Most people work and strive for something for the sake of their children, as they will enjoy success or failures. You need to explain your children that if they want to achieve something, they should go to their goals.
For these reasons, the love that you give to your children makes them stronger, and I am grateful to my parents, and my grandparents that they cared about me and gave me all the love. And, I want to give my future children care, love and understanding as well, so that they become good people that love family.

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