Blow Fly

Blow Fly

  • Submitted By: lilmatt28
  • Date Submitted: 03/11/2009 1:54 PM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 849
  • Page: 4
  • Views: 376

What is Vulvar Myiasis you may ask? Are you sure you really want to know? Okay I will tell you. Vulvar Myiasis is a parasitic infection. It is an infestation of several fly larva species. They call these insects blowflies. This disease is very easy to cure. This disease is very uncommon and rare. What it basically is, are maggots under your skin.
Myiasis is a human and animal disease. It is common in hot and cold areas. It is caused when a parasitic fly comes up and lands on your skin. Don’t worry though as long as you take showers you won’t get it. The disease occurs to filthy animals or overweight people. Moisture, warmth and odor will attract these parasitic flies to you. Or if you own sheep and they have urine and feces matted down on their fur, they attract flies to lay their eggs in that warm incubation area with the urine and padding from the fur.
Blow fly adults are known for being shiny with metallic coloring, often with blue, green, or black bodies. The characteristics and arrangement of hairs are used to tell the difference between members of this family.
These larvae are commonly seen on decaying bodies. Blowflies can help us solve a murder case, but they can also kill someone. You may ask, “How do blowflies help us?” Their stages in larvae tell us how long the larva has been there. As in there I am talking of the decaying body. These blowflies will give us a time frame on when the body started decaying.
Blowflies have the amazing ability to smell a decaying organism ten miles away. When the crowd of blowflies makes it to the decaying organism, the females lay eggs under the skin. Those eggs will hatch within 72 hours; then they will emerge through the skin. When this larva emerges through the skin; it will attract more blowflies to the area to lay more eggs.
MDT or Maggot Debridement Therapy is the use of selected, tested and disinfected fly larvae. This includes blow-fly maggots, for cleaning wounds that won’t heal. Medical maggots do three...

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