Boarding House

Boarding House

Boarding house is the only choice for students who study far from their home. Usually students who live in boarding houses are college students. A boarding house is a place to stay and the building is similar with other houses. Students who live in boarding houses must pay the rent per month. There are three kinds of boarding houses, female, male and mixed boarding houses.
The first type of boarding house is a female boarding house which is rented out for female students. This boarding house has rules which are stricter than male boarding house. For example the curfew which starts at 10 PM and male students are not allowed to get in. Astrid, a student from Faculty of Economics and Business has been living in a boarding house since her study in Satya Wacana Christian University. She said that her boarding house is very strict because if she goes back after 10 PM, the gate will be locked and she cannot get in. But it doesn’t really matter because she can sleep over in her friend’s boarding house. Her boyfriend can only get in just in the living room but there are advantages from her boarding house. The advantages are kitchen which is clean and well – organized, refrigerator, water heater, laundry and television in the living room. Average cost for this kind of boarding house which has complete facilitations is Rp. 350.000 – 500.000;
The second type of boarding house is a male boarding house. Same like female’s, males boarding house is rented out for male students but there is a little lenience with the rules. Girls are allowed to get in to the room but the door must be opened. The curfew is also not too strict like female’s. In most of male boarding houses, the curfew begins at 12 PM, but there are some which do not have curfew, the owner of the boarding house just close the gate and the renter can open it anytime. Lucky, a student from Satya Wacana Senior High School said that he feels comfortable with his boarding house even...

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