

 Think about the cutest, fluffiest, most innocent animal ever, now imagine that animal
stuck in a cage just waiting for its time to be tested on and most likely put to death. Over a
hundred million animals suffer from animal testing and still people don’t find any alternatives to
killing animals to prove products safe. We as human beings have to take care of the animals that
God put in our care. How can we protect them when we are the ones responsible for hurting them?
There are over a hundred million animals that were tested in 2010. These animals were
locked in small cages the size of shoeboxes waiting for their doom. The animals inside are scared
and didn’t do anything to deserve such a fate. But we humans have no regard for how an animal
feels or how scared they are because they are just “some animal”. Imagine if you were put into
the position of a lab rat, just being tested every day and waiting for your day to die. I know an
animal is not a human but animals feel the same type of pain we feel. If you were an animal and
went through their pain you would be much more determined to end animal cruelty.
God gave us animals as a gift for humanity so we can take care of them and they will
make us happy and protect us. But we are abusing God’s gift to us and that is not what God
wants from us. Animals are meant to sustain human life with food and provide companionship
and protection. If we abuse this right it might be taken away from us later on. We take animals
for granted. That’s why we need to take care of them before its too late and the animals we once
took for granted go away for good.
We humans take animals for granted. Another example of animal cruelty is the slaughter
houses. In slaughter houses animals are killed in the most inhumane ways and kept in the most
horrible conditions. For example, pigs are kept in a small gated area chained up to where they
can’t move. Chickens are stuffed in crowded crates that make...