bottled water is good

bottled water is good

  • Submitted By: starquebe
  • Date Submitted: 08/28/2014 1:18 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 549
  • Page: 3

Bottled Water is Better
By Maxim Quebe

Because 780 million people do not have access to safe water, bottles should be available to people around the world. Water is important to human life. We need 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Drinking plenty of water helps us stay healthy and keeps our bodies working proprly. People all need healthy drinking water. Bottled water can help a lot of people around the world.
Water bottles are always tested to make sure they are safe to drink. It’s easier to find out if bottled water is bad. When a batch is bad they take it off the shelves. When disasters happen like earthquakes, tornadoes or hurricanes , water bottles are easy to ship to the area. Sometimes it is the only safe thing to drink.
Another reason people choose to drink bottled water over tap is the taste. When you drink water from a faucet, a hose or water fountain the taste can vary. Bottled water all tastes the same.

Bottled Water is Better
By Maxim Quebe

Because 780 million people do not have access to safe water, bottles should be available to people around the world. Water is important to human life. We need 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Drinking plenty of water helps us stay healthy and keeps our bodies working proprly. People all need healthy drinking water. Bottled water can help a lot of people around the world.
Water bottles are always tested to make sure they are safe to drink. It’s easier to find out if bottled water is bad. When a batch is bad they take it off the shelves. When disasters happen like earthquakes, tornadoes or hurricanes , water bottles are easy to ship to the area. Sometimes it is the only safe thing to drink.
Another reason people choose to drink bottled water over tap is the taste. When you drink water from a faucet, a hose or water fountain the taste can vary. Bottled water all tastes the same.

Bottled Water is Better
By Maxim Quebe

Because 780...

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