

Today, nearly one-quarter of all meals are eaten away from home. In the past forty years, Americans have moved out of the kitchen and into their cars for meals. Many people are now looking for quick and inexpensive meals that are mainly found at fast food restaurants. For many years, McDonald’s and Burger King have been the two largest and most successful fast food chains in the world. Both restaurants provide their customers with a huge variety of hamburgers, breakfast items, side meals, drinks, and desserts in a short amount of time. They both also offer their building for birthday parties and personal ceremonies and maintain high quality standards when doing so. Although McDonald’s and Burger King appear to be two very similar restaurants with the same basic concepts, they have far more differences pertaining to their quality and taste of food, price, and service.
It is easy to say that McDonald’s and Burger King share the same type of menu, but the quality and taste of their food differ tremendously. When preparing the hamburger patties at McDonald’s, they use a system called the “batch process.” In this process, up to twelve patties are put onto a large platen, and the patties are then grilled, turned, and pulled by an employee. Afterwards, the patties are put into a holding pan to serve sometimes remaining there for over a few minutes thus causing the meat to become dry and flavorless. The meat of the patty is noticeably thin as well. McDonald’s fries, however, live up to their high standards. Their fries are remarkably consistent in texture, airy and fluffy, and are rarely saturated in oil. What McDonald’s lack in their hamburger, they make up for it with their delicious, golden, crisp French fries. On the other hand, Burger King uses the “continuous chain broiler” assembly process. This process is similar to an assembly line in which employee involvement is not necessary. The patties are placed at the beginning of the broiler...

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