

Communication- The World’s Most Important Tool
Communication In our ever-changing world, it is becoming increasingly harder to do. With seven-thousand languages encompassing the planet, there is no longer one way express thoughts and ideas. The video “A Failure To Communicate” depicted this troubling epidemic stunningly. Both women were trying to adapt to the other’s way of sending ideas, but ended up digging themselves into an ever-deepening hole of confusion and landing at a place back before where they started. The veiled woman tried to use verbal communication, already uncovering an instant problem. The deaf woman didn’t understand, and asked the other to lower her veil, in order to read her lips. Another predicament arose, due to her cultural limitations. Her Middle Eastern background obviously prohibited her from letting down her shroud in public. Still endeavoring to satisfy her wants, the woman wisely considered using the deafened woman’s computer aid as a translator. A little known fact interrupted the process, however; Background noise+Audio Recorder=well… not very convenient, to say the least. After two faulty readings and a shutdown due to low power, that option was out the window. Despite being quite vexed, she tried again, using the universal hand-signal, the index-finger point. One problem: her height was, to be polite, “not sufficient” enough to signal where she wanted to go, Happy Valley. Running out of options, and about to be cornered by miscommunication, she made one last attempt, hand signals. By putting her hands in a V-Shape, she was finally able to pull off the task. The deaf woman understood the message at last, and provided a ticket. Her ardent passion was about to be rewarded. But not before time caught up to their pointless frolicking. The train had just left, and was “conveniently” delayed for an hour. So, due to a language barrier, a cultural barrier, and a height barrier, an hour was tossed in the trash, an hour that could have...