Cats V. Dogs

Cats V. Dogs

English 1301
Cats vs. Dogs
We all enjoy the companion of a furry friend in our home. Come on who doesn’t love these furry creatures? We all own or have owned a pet in our household at one point in time. Cats and dogs are the popular pets in our society. While some of us prefer dogs while others prefer cats. But how do we know which is a better pet for us? Is it a Dog or a Cat? Dogs have been known to be a man’s best friend for years while a cat has been one of the cleanest yet helps keep pests away from our home. For centuries Dogs and Cats have been arch enemies. The difference between these two is remarkable yet they share some similarities. I will discuss about the sleeping, eating, health, cleanness, exercise and other behaviors about dogs and cats and with the information provided it will give you an idea on what furry friend is a better match for you.
Dogs have lived with humans for about 14,000 years while Cats have lived with humans for 7,000 years. These both animals differ in many ways in a household. A cat has been known to be very clean since they do their business in a litter box and they clean themselves. Meanwhile a dog you have to take them outside several times a day just to prevent accidents in your home and have to be given a bath regularly. Having a cat can be helpful if you don’t want any pests in your home such as rats, snakes, lizards or any other pests. While dogs can maybe be a little helpful too but not as much as cat. Meanwhile both of these animals can both be very good indoor pets. Though they both can shed hair and often have to be groomed on a regular basis which is highly recommendable. Speaking about pet hair, they can both get hairballs but cats tend to get them more since they often clean themselves and if their fur is longer.
Cats are laid back and often sleep as much as 16 hours a day! Yes, 16 hours a day! That’s a lot. While most dogs do nap during the day but not as much as cats. Dogs tend to be very hyper and...

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