

Dogs or Cats?

A pet can be a great companion. Companionship should be comforting and interactive. While having a pet can be a grand plus in life, there is only one pet that brings the best benefit to people. The two most common pets people have are dogs and cats. There are pros and cons to having each of these animals as pets.
Dogs bring excellent companionship. They love to be played with, having their stomachs rubbed, and even playing fetch. Dogs will also eat anything, whether the food is fancy store bought or scraps from the table. Dogs find playing in water irresistible as well. All of these things make dogs great to have as a pet.
Cats are not so keen on companionship. While cats love to be inside, feed, and clean, they don’t like people messing with them. Cats are not interested in cuddle time with their owners, even though once in a while a cat will be fond of someone giving them a scratch or pat on the head. Trying to feed a cat can be a nuisance due to their pickiness with food. The food has to be just the right temperature or it cannot be made by a certain company. Cats are not kind to the idea of water either unless it is for drinking. What would make someone want a pet that wants to be left alone with no attention?
In conclusion, both pets seem to be good depending on the owner. Dogs love to have interaction and will go with the flow. Cats are not keen on any person interacting with them. Which pet does it looks like would bring the biggest reward in to a home? Dogs in most cases would be the winner.

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