Cgd 218 Typography

Cgd 218 Typography

Typography is the strategical manipulation of type (fonts) and words to communicate messages in a visually appealing manner (Ryan, 2012).
After reading online publication titled, Practical typography tutorials, and the helpful tips on typography in desktop publishing, I chose to modify the, “Using Styles Document” and made the following strategically placed style changes (Bear, n.d.):
1. I modified, highlighted, and updated the “Title” style to match the Calibri font at 36 points in the color blue used for the header text.
2. I reviewed the text and broke apart the text creating more meaningful paragraphs and sections.
3. I created titles before each section that best described the content of the paragraphs.
4. I block justified the paragraph text.
5. I modified, highlighted, and updated the “Header1” style to match the Helvetica font at 14 point in the color burgundy for the newly created section titles.
6. In the, “How it Works” section, I modified, highlighted, the written example in the paragraph. To add greater emphasis and visual impact, I created a new style titled, “Ariel 18” to match the example description which mentions using the Ariel font, size 18, and bolded.
7. Finally, I created a style titled, “Numbers” to add emphasis to the steps on “How to Create a Style.” This new style utilized the Calibri font at size 11, a numbered list, and modifications to the spacing between each numbered section.

Ryan, W. (2012). Visual literacy: learning to see. (Ashford University ed.) San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Bear, J. (n.d.). Practical Typography Tutorials. Retrieved from

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