

Sidra Rauf Period 12 October 26, 2008 Monologue I need to have him listen. I need him to know that I didn’t mean all of this to happen. I didn’t want John to take the consequences for my doings. I need him to know I shed my tears for him all night and he is the only one that is in this heart. Oh John I love you dearly. He must know that he needs to come with me to Barbados, to live a better life. The ship boards this morning we can both get on it with Tituba and be free from all this nonsense. Most importantly we can be free from that witch Elizabeth. No one will know where we went. We can begin a new life and start all over. We can have that bond we have had before and not a single person would take that away this time. No one will be able to come in as a burden into our lives again. Once Goody Proctor dies, John will forget everything. And beware of it! I will kill her myself if she does not hang. I want John, I need him! Nothing has ever stopped me from having what I want before, and nothing will now.Religion is an enormous part of most people’s lives. It makes up who most of us are. Practicing a religion should be significant to a person who has faith in God, even when being present at school. To pray or not to pray has become one of the most controversial issues. The state should not be the one to decide a person’s relationship with God. If a person is faithful and considers themselves God’s beautiful creation, then they should understand that praying is one the most important factors of following a religion. Prayer in public schools should be allowed as long as other students are not being forced to pray along or are distracted by several students praying. Each religion has different rules and regulations to follow. Whether the student is Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu, their beliefs should be respected by Congress, the Supreme Court, and many school districts.
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to...