the book "childhoods End" is one of the best books ive ever had an opertunity to read for a school book reaport. the book deals with facts and ideas that people dont like to think of. the book begins in the middle of the space race when bothe the russians and the americans are building spacecrafts. before they can be put to use though myserious shace ships arive from the stars, putting an end to violence all around the world. then it jumps to about 6 days after the arrival and the head of the U.N becomes the main character, he is a very smart and intuitive person he can read a person before they even have time to talk. he is also the first person to talk directly to the leader of the overlords. shortly after the aliens make contact a human group arises to oppose the overlords. they take UN leader hostage and plan to use this as a way to get an advantage over the seemingly all knowing overlords. but to no supprise the overlords find him thus putting an end to the resistance. soon after the kidnaping the main character becomes curiouse of what the overlords look like and with the help of some scientists devises a flashlight type insrument to see through the one way glass between the rooms in the ship. the attempt fails and a new section of the book begins. the next portion of the book is one were the overlords have finaly revealed themselves to the people of earth and have even began to share some of their technology with us.