CRJ 201 Entire Course (Ash)
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CRJ 201 Week 1 DQ 1 The Criminal Justice System
CRJ 201 Week 1 DQ 2 Social and Criminal Justice
CRJ 201 Week 1 DQ 3 Law Enforcement Patrol, Rapid Response, and Investigation
CRJ 201 Week 2 DQ 1 Law Enforcement Federal, State, and Local Policing
CRJ 201 Week 2 DQ 2 Law Enforcement Data Driven Policing
CRJ 201 Week 2 Constitutional Policing


CRJ 201 Week 1 DQ 1 The Criminal Justice System (Ash)
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The Criminal Justice System. The criminal justice system is made up of three main branches, including law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections. The system as a whole can be viewed and analyzed from different perspectives and considered in terms of different outcomes. After completing this week’s required reading, provide your own definition for the criminal justice system.


CRJ 201 Week 1 DQ 2 Social and Criminal Justice (Ash)
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Social and Criminal Justice. We usually look at criminal justice as a system, an idea, or a philosophy. Three of the major ideas that express the idea of social justice include equality, solidarity, and human rights. Explain how equality, solidarity, and human rights are examples of social justice.
Identify and discuss a social justice issue in contemporary society (within the last two years) that specifically relates to equality, solidarity, or human rights. Make sure to cite a periodical that covers this issue.


CRJ 201 Week 1 DQ 3 Law Enforcement Patrol, Rapid Response, and Investigation (Ash)
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