

Miranda Martinez
English 11
16 October 2013

Evolution is the constant development of biological species under the effect of the environment and genetics. Natural environments effects the development of human beings, animals and plants greatly, because it is generally known, that only the strongest, fastest and cleverest survive in this world. For example, animals which live in the North and possess black fur have very low chances to survive, that is why most animals, including polar bears, seals possess white fur and can easily hide on the white background of snow. The color of skin and fur is very important for survival, because it enables animals to hide, protect themselves or hunt being undetected. thought of evolution is great one filled with theories, ideas and beliefs of how xbeasts became magnificent creatures, how the moons and the stars make the night sky endlessly beautiful, and how humans came to walk the earth. Where did it all begin?
The Thought and theory of evolution started with Charles Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection which basically states that the “fittest” survive then reproduce and evolve by weeding out the weak genes and passing down the strong genes that are helpful to the animal and change it into something else; for instance, a fish becoming a bird. His theory itself has evolved and is known as Darwinism. In the beginning of his research and studies he was disregarded in the world of science until his first book, Origin of Species, put evolution into perspective. Therefore, evolution has been gradually accepted all throughout the world. Even though this theory is accepted doesn’t mean that there is evidence supporting it or that there isn’t a lot of controversy surrounding it. It just means more people believe it. Moreover, evolution does not only influence appearance, but the qualities and abilities of biological species. For example, in order to survive, animals, birds, fish became very fast, possess extremely...

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