Depression, Drugs, and Rock N' Roll: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Programs in Prisons

Depression, Drugs, and Rock N' Roll: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Programs in Prisons

Depression, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment Programs in Prisons

This paper explores four credible and published books written to explain and inform the nation about the harsh realities of prison life, along with numerous amounts of topics relating to reformation and treatment programs. Each book seems to have a different opinion within the lines, but all four publications conclude that both substance abuse and mental health treatment programs are an absolute must. Dr. Robert Johnson (1996) explains to his readers about the custom personalization needed within the walls of each prison to ensure the safety, regularity, and well-being of each inmate so that they all can serve their long or short prison sentences in a stable healing environment. Johnson’s viewpoints are critical to this paper because he suggests obtainable and affordable treatment styles for prisons within the United States. Dr. Marilyn D. McShane (2008) describes in full detail about the extensive problems facing the correctional system in America. Dr. McShane of the University of Houston elucidates the idea that through patience and understanding, the prison rehabilitation experience will have a much higher success rate. Professor Craig Haney, PhD, JD, (2006) illuminates on the grounds of reformation inside the prison walls. Throughout his book, Haney consistently remains passionate about the reformation of prison treatment programs for mental health and drug addiction and abuse sufferers. Medical doctor Terry Kupers (1999) wrote his book with a more psychological point of view. With his medical experience as a psychiatrist as well as being a professor at the Wright Institute in Berkeley, California, Kupers is an expert on “the conditions of confinement and the adequacy of mental health services in jails and prisons.” (Kupers, 1999). Although Dr. Kupers’ book is extremely thorough and helpful with the aspects of mental illnesses that prisoners...

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