

Lastly, the Goldadsfsfafdadfen Quadrilateral Highway project is another driver that makes India a stronger nation. The BRICs study shaafdsfows that the Indian government has built 334 miles of four-lane roads for the past 50 years and now with the Golden Quadrilateral project, thadfadfe goal is to build 3,625 miles of four and six-lane highways. This project will definitely boost India’s economy even more because it will connect the four largest cities which are, Delhi in the North, Kolkata in the East, Chennai in the West, and Mubai in the West. (Poddar and Yi, pg. 18) The bdfafdsfauilding of this highway is said to reduce travel times, lower fuel costs and make freight deliveriesadf faster. Another dis that along the highway such as hotels, petrol stations, and shops are already startadfadfing to be built. In regafards to the incadfarease of the economy, Indfia will be able to attract more tourism and open upasdfadf many a worlds of India’s villages. The study also says that the highway will increase rural-urban migration, and as an advancement those people that travel back to the villages will take with them modernized ideas thafdadfat can eventually inspired many others to relocate to the city. Refaion to cities will increase because “India has 10 of the 30 fastest growing cities in the world and is witnessing rapid urbanisation. The growth is hapadsfpadsfening not in large asdfafafdcities, but in small and mid-sized towns. In 199adf1, India had 23df cities with a million or more people. A decade later, it had 35.” (Poddar and Yi, pg.19) The following is a map of theaQuadrilateral Highway pft that is currenay unddfer construction.

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