Dui Court

Dui Court

It has now been a little over a month that I have been involved in the dui court program. During this time I have came to realize that my problem with alcohol was far more serious than I had ever thought. Before the program I had many ways I tried to rationalize my drinking. I would tell myself that since I never drank around my children It would not affect them. I was very wrong about that. The things that have happened to me because of my drinking have affected them in many ways. I can no longer drive them to and from school. My daughters have had to quite their ice skating lessons because they have no way to get their. When we go grocery shopping we do it on our bicycles and let me tell you carrying home groceries for a family of five on bikes is not a fun job. I am very sorry that they have to suffer because of my actions. My children mean everything to me. I never want them or me to be in this situation again. I am currently attending 5 AA meetings a week and have recently found someone to sponsor me. Finding a sponsor was something I was beginning to worry about. I thought I was never going to find someone that I related to. Luckily as it turns out the person that I asked to sponsor me has a story very similar to mine. I relate to him very well. We are just starting to work on step one and I am looking forward to it. I think I am ready to start phase 1 of the dui court program.

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