

Tropical Rainforest
Location → Tropical Rainforests are located near the equator. Fifty seven percent of all tropical rainforests are found in Latin America. One third of the world's tropical rainforests are in Brazil. Other tropical rainforests are located in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands (25% of the world's tropical rainforests) and West Africa (18%).
Abiotic factors → Temperature rarely gets about 93 degrees or drops below 68 degrees, the average humidity ranges between 77 and 88 percent. Rainfall usually averages between 50-260 inches per year. There is usually a brief season of less rain, and a really dry season.
Biotic Factors → Jaguars, anteaters, lemur, and many others among the plant species such as bamboo trees, banana trees, and rubber trees. Plants are very useful for different uses around the world. Hundreds of medical supplies come from rainforests, food supplies, and timber.
Human Impact → Humans have had a large impact on the tropical rainforests. A study in the rainforests found that 99% of nutrients are held in root mats. When a rainforest is burned or cut down the nutrients are removed from the ecosystem. The soil can only be used for a very short time before it becomes completely depleted of all nutrients.

N. Coniferous Forests
Location → The northern coniferous forest biome occupies a vast area below the tundra, extending completely across Canada and into interior Alaska. The biome is also referred to as the boreal forest.
Abiotic Factors → Compared to the arctic tundra, the climate of the boreal forest is characterized by a longer and warmer growing season. The average temperatures are anywhere between -40 and 70 degrees, and the rainfall averages between 20 to 40 inches a year. In the northern boreal forests, the winters are long, cold and dry, while the short summers are moderately warm and moist. In the lower latitudes, precipitation is more evenly distributed throughout the year.
Biotic Factors → Coniferous...

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