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Siddhartha’s Quest

Siddhartha has begun his “Hero Quest.” He has left his father and went to live with the Samanas (untouchables). He thought that these people, who live with out any possessions would be the path to enlightenment. However after he spends three years with the Samanas he believes it was worth less. He thinks that what the Samanas try to accomplish in life is a waste, he says, When he falls asleep over his bowl of rice-wine, he'll find the same what Siddhartha and Govinda find when they escape their bodies through long exercises, staying in the non-self. This is how it is, oh Govinda." He thinks that this has been a waste of his time, and that living the life of the Samanas has brought him no closer to Nirvana. However he has accomplished very much regardless of what he thinks. At the very start of his story he has made progress in his life, he started his quest he left his fathers home to live as his won man. He said to his father, ““I will stand and wait…You will grow tired, Siddhartha… I will grow tired…. You will fall asleep, Siddhartha….. I will not fall asleep…..You will die, Siddhartha…. I will die.” This alone was a big step for Siddhartha. He is becoming his own man and has started his journey. With out this moment he would not even have a chance to reach nirvana and finish his quest.
Siddhartha has begun his “Hero Quest.” He has left his father and went to live with the Samanas (untouchables). He thought that these people, who live with out any possessions would be the path to enlightenment. However after he spends three years with the Samanas he believes it was worth less. He thinks that what the Samanas try to accomplish in life is a waste, he says, When he falls asleep over his bowl of rice-wine, he'll find the same what Siddhartha and Govinda find when they escape their bodies through long exercises, staying in the non-self. This is how it is, oh Govinda." He thinks that this has been a waste of his time, and that living the...

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